Under a Gunpowder Sky is a gritty dystopian tale set in a brutal post-apocalyptic world where high-altitude nuclear explosions have wiped out modern civilization, plunging humanity into a dark age ruled by violence and despotism. Gothi, a reclusive ex-soldier living in the mountains of Northern Maine, leads a small band of survivors who have built a fragile existence through hard-earned resilience and defiance. When Yousef, a young fugitive from the oppressive Eastern Alliance, arrives seeking help to rescue his beloved Aisha, Gothi and his band reluctantly rally to his cause, risking their hard-won peace. As they face a fierce battle against overwhelming forces, themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the relentless human spirit drive this harrowing, action-filled narrative. The novel explores the price of freedom and survival in a world scarred by the ruins of what was once civilization.